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Mr. Farmer's Adventures

ISBNs: 9781301230969 (John Wayne), 9781301400355 (Wild Cow)


A series of short nonfiction tales, as told by an unnamed storyteller who we call Mr. John Farmer.

Mr. Farmer is an older country farmer who has raised his own children and bred and raised pigs, cattle, chickens, ducks, and a few other animals. His farm was ran by his father and grandfather before him, and he is currently teaching his sons and grandsons how to carry on the family trade. Mr. Farmer mainly breeds cattle, but is capable of many feats, and has learned many trades throughout his farming years. Mr. Farmer is a successful carpenter, plumber, electrician, mechanic, husband and father, truck and equipment operator, and hay and cattle farmer, among numerous other tasks and responsibilities.

Mr. Farmer's tales can be humorous, serious, tragic, and educating. Ms. Hollidaye has been chosen to write Mr. Farmer's stories for him, and she has chosen to show his vernacular in the text. She records her conversations and interviews with Mr. Farmer and later writes them into this series of short stories. Ninety-eight percent of the stories are word for word from Mr. Farmer, since Ms. Hollidaye finds his stories are best told through the mouth of the original storyteller. The two percent that is not word for word is altered due to the unexpected interruptions of their meetings.


The first two installments of this series is included in My Heart and Soul Laid Bare: A Short Works Collection.

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